About Us
The club caters to all levels and interests in horses. It offers horse riding lessons, horse training, and boarding, after-school activities, field trips, location for photo and video services as well as other horse-related activities in the club or at the client’s property.
Company Philosophy
Our Vision,
To share the joy of equestrian riding with people, especially the younger generation.
We are encouraging participation in equestrian sports & promotion of training and education for riders, drivers, vaulters and horses to perfect the art of riding, driving and vaulting.
SRS Mission
- Promotion of the equestrian sport for pleasure and performance in all disciplines in Medan
- Promotion of horse keeping & breeding
- Promotion of responsible horse care that will strengthen the preservation of the historic relationship between man and horse
A Short History of the SRS Development of Equestrian Sports and Breeding in Medan
- 2020 - The foundation of the organization known as SMEC today had alternate subsidiaries business unit on Equestrian Sports & Horse Breeder called SMEC Riding School.
- 2021 - 2022 - The legality of the organization was established under the name PT Satria Berkuda
- January 2023 - First EQUESTRIAN DRESSAGE CHALLENGE in Medan
- May 2023 - Welcome our 3 New Family (Horses) with total 16.
- June 2023 - FEMALETRIANS program officially launched.
- July 2023 - SRS officially open for school trip program.
"It is fun to see, but never thought it’ll be more fun to ride on with friends @helwabasheel"
"There are surprises everytime I ride in a fun way. Love every second of it. @hananbashel"
"Say hi to miss B! @daffasatari"
"Berkuda itu seru! Berkuda juga merupakan Sunnah Rasulullah SAW. Kalau sudah besar, Aisyah mau jadi atlet."
"Sudah 4-5 kali ambil sesi berkuda disini dan kelihatan ya, balik-balik melulu. Jadi, enjoy banget! Soalnya aku suka belajar hal baru dan berkuda itu memang berbeda kan. Dari yang biasanya, seperti aktivitas-aktivitas yang lain, yang ada di Medan."
"Di SRS ini, merupakan pengalaman baru buat saya. Karena berkuda berbeda dengan olahraga lain. Kita perlu melatih balance (seimbang), dan fokus. Jadi menurut saya perlu untuk dicoba. Berkuda di SRS, seru loh!"
"Olahraga berkuda merupakan oleharaga yang dianjurkan Nabi Muhammad SAW. Dalam sejarah agama Islam, berkuda merupakan salah satu keahlian yang digunakan untuk berjuang di jalan Allah. Bahkan dalam kitab suci Al-Qur,an disebutkan bahwa didalam olahraga berkuda mempunyai segudang mafaat hingga hari kiamat."
"Meeting this girl, not in Jakarta, but in North Sumatera! 🥹So happy to see the Bella princess again after a while🐴"
"“Equestrian art is the perfect understanding and harmony between horse and rider.”"
"Achilles My bestie ✨🙂 Walaupun kadang ngeselin 🥱🐎"